28 East Park Ave.
Columbiana, OH 44408
Fourth Thursday of the month
11:30-11:50an - Service of Prayer & Healing
12-2pm - Lunch
Phone Number
Program Coordinator
Marti Leake
Currently Celebrating Seniors sponsors lunch with activity the fourth Thursday of each month. Lunches are by invitation only. To receive an invitation or to request an invitation be sent, contact the church office - 330-482-2666.
Celebrating Seniors is a series of monthly lunches providing fellowship and encouragement to the older residents of greater Columbiana County. While sponsored by the church, the program is led by a community-wide board and is open to the entire community.
11:30am - Service of Prayer & Healing
Join Pastor Fritz Nelson immediately preceding lunch for this simple 20-minute time of prayer and scripture in the conference room downstairs. We will focus on inviting God's healing presence into our bodies, our lives, and our relationships.
Winter 2024 Programming
During January, February, and March we will be continuing to host lunches on the fourth Thursday at 12:00.
These lunches will be lower key, with no formal programs, door prizes, etc. We will have cards and games out for those who wish to stay and be social. We understand some will need to get out and be social. Others will want to stay home where its warm and safe. Do what is best for you. More formal lunches and programs will resume in April.
Winter Cancelation Policy:
If any frozen precipitation falls within the 24 hours prior to the lunch we will cancel. If Columbiana schools close we will cancel. If you’re wondering whether or not we’re having a lunch then we’re probably canceling, but you can always call (330) 482-2666 to double check

Our Goal
The ultimate vision is to open a Senior Center in Columbiana. Meanwhile we hope to begin increasing opportunities for engagement as our event grows.
Chair Yoga
(Temporarily Suspended)
Celebrating Seniors' Chair Yoga has been temporarily cancelled. Watch for exciting news about a new class.

Cribbage Matches
(On Hiatus until Fall)
Celebrating Seniors presents Cribbage every Wednesday (Except Holidays) @ 1PM. All are welcome from beginners to advanced players. You say you don't know how to play Cribbage, we have people that will be glad to teach you.