28 East Park Ave.
Columbiana, OH 44408
Service Times
Sundays 9:00 am
Service can be attended via Zoom
For Zoom Link contact the church office
Phone Number
First Presbyterian strives to welcome all people regardless of ethnicity, financial standing, age, gender, perspective and personality. We invite anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and translate that relationship to service in the community to join in all aspects of worship and church programming, including communion. Children are welcome in worship and all other facets of the church.
First Presbyterian's worship is intimate, traditional and seeks to strengthen participants' relationship with God and understanding of scripture. Prayer is an important part of our worship, often including various prayer exercises as well as the sharing of concerns. Music is basic - traditional as well as contemporary hymns and praise songs accompanied by piano or organ. Sermons are biblical based, socially relevant and call upon the congregation to embrace God's radical and expansive love. Communion is served the first Sunday of each month and on Christmas, Maundy Thursday and Easter.

Mission Outreach
Depending on the season, First Presbyterian offers a range of activities including:
Bible Studies
Quilting Group
Senior Lunches
Grief Support Groups
As well as additional programs